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Saturday, 12 May 2012

Add a Dislike option to your status update

The clever Status Magic Facebook app can add a dislike button to any status
 updates posted via the app. And if you wanted to really mix it up you can 
actually customize the second emotion to anything, such as “love,”
 “hate,” “disagree” or even “LOLs”.

Rajnikanth Website doesnt require internet ! :D

As you all know about rajnikanth famous south superstar and his jokes and pj which are famous over interent but today i came across interesting site allaboutrajni which you can access only when your internet connection is off else it show error message. It contain rajnikanth jokes,stories,facts etc.
1. Visit
2. To explore this site you need to remove your internet wire or turn off your laptop wifi switch.
3. As you turn off your internet you will get an option to enter the site.
4. And If you turn on the internet you will see below below msg.

How to create your own Keyboard Shortcuts to Open Programs?

You can create your own keyboardshortcut to open your most used programs, and you can do that without the help from a third party application.For example, I want to create a keyboard shortcut that can open Internet Explorer by just pressing Ctrl+Alt+E.
(1) Right click IE icon on the taskbar, right click again on Internet Explorer, and go to Properties.
(2) In the Shortcut tab, click the Shortcut key box and assign the shortcut key you like.

Shutdown your PC remotely using Mobile

Today you are goin to learn the trick to shutdown your system remotely by mobile or any other computer.

Things that you require is:
We’ll use XAMPP to set up the server. Believe me it is too easy.
Download the available package of xampp (installer or zip archive).
Now,follow the instruction given on their site to install the server.Actually installation is just unzipping the archive to a directory.The installation will take just around 2 minute.
2.PHP code
After installing XAMPP, just open up XAMPP directory.Then you will locate htdocs folder.Open that and create a new directory/folder.You can name it anything you want.Suppose the name of the new folder is shutdown.
Open the newly created folder shutdown and create a new file with name index.php (.php extension is necessary).
Now open up index.php file and place the nice little code if you run windows.
echo 'Shutting down';
exec("shutdown -s -t 30"); //30 means shutdown after 30 seconds
3.Creating URL
To find out your ip address just visit any site like
4. A GPRS enabled mobile handset with active data connection.
That’s it. Now you visit that link from your mobile phone to shut down the computer.

Use Keyboard as a Mouse

Yes you can use ur Keyboard as a Mouse when ur mouse is down or in emergency.
Press Shift+Alt+Numlock from ur Keyboard
Press Yes on the window appearing on the screen
Now you will see a Mouse icon in Task Bar
Now you can use your keyboard as mouse.
Navigation Keys (Num Lock Keys)
8 – Up
2 – Down
4 – Left
6 – Right
7,9,3,1 – Directional Navigation
Note: You Must Turn On Num Lock
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Monday, 7 May 2012

Gmail Hack

First open gmail page from here.
Right click on the screen and save the page on desktop.
Now open Gmail link in notepad.
Find "action" word  using Finder (Ctrl+F)
Now change data written after action

change to

here is my email id but you written your email id...

happy hacking
and thank u....

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